Entered Apprentice Mason
FellowCraft Mason
Master Mason
Lodge Customs
Famous Masons
Final Jeopardy


The minimum age to sign a petition.

What is Eighteen?


This is a symbol of upright conduct in life and of the conscience by which each person must live.

What is the Plumb?


This person teaches the magnificent lessons of fidelity and was the son of a widow of the Tribe of Naphtali.

Who is Hiram Abif?


A term used to mean a Lodge communication called for a funeral.

What is the Emergent Lodge or Communication?


Quarterback for the Green Bay Packers from 1956-1971 and coach from 1975-1983.

Who was Bart Starr?

Final Jeopardy Topic


Nebraska Masonic History


This is the first place Masonry says a man should be prepared before he can take the degrees of Masonry.

What is in his heart?


This is a symbol in the Fellowcraft degree of morality, truthfulness and honesty.

What is the Square?


These have symbolic meanings which serve to enrich the mind and improve our lives as Masons and also serve as modes of recognition.

What are Signs, Tokens, and Words?


A custom in Lodges that comes from a time when the King remained covered while his subjects were required to be uncovered as a sign of respect.

What is “Why the Master wears a hat”?


This American aviator was the first pilot to solo non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean.

Who was Charles Lindberg?

Final Jeopardy Answer

These three Grand Lodges were the Mother Grand Lodges of the Nebraska Grand Lodge .

What is Illinois, Missouri and Iowa.


Lodge can not be opened without these three things present.

What is the The three great lights of Masonry, the Holy Bible, Square and Compass?


This is the date and place where the first Grand Lodge of Masons was formed.

What is the Goose and Gridiron Tavern, London England in 1717?


This symbol in the degree reminds us that the things we do before man, and the things we do in secret will be recorded and will bear witness for or against us at Judgment time.

What is the All-Seeing Eye?


When a Lodge is at labor Brethren don’t pass between these two objects without the permission of the Master.

What is the Altar and the East?


This Mason was famous for being the leader of the most popular big band during the “Big Band Era” in the 1930’s and 1940’s.

Who was Glenn Miller?


This Rite in the Entered Apprentice degree teaches the initiate that he is to bring nothing into the Lodge which would destroy its’ peace and harmony.

What is the Rite of Destitution?


This symbolic place in the Lodge represents man’s journey from ignorance to enlightenment and is a place where we receive the symbolic wages of Devine Truth.

What is the Middle Chamber?


This portion of the degree teaches the virtues of fidelity and fortitude and represents resurrection after death.

What is the Raising of the Candidate?


This Lodge custom assures that the Brethren entering or leaving an open Lodge know what degree it is in.

What is “Saluting the Master with the Due Guard and Sign”?


One of the wealthiest men in the American colonies at the time of the American Revolution, President of the Continental Congress in 1775 and signed the Declaration of Independence with the largest signature.

Who was John Hancock?


This place in the Lodge is intended to teach the significance of initiation as the symbolic birth of the candidate into the world of Masonry.

What is the entrance into the Lodge?


These three jewels of the Fellowcraft degree teach the necessity to learn to utilize good Masonic instruction and develop a devotion to its teachings.

Who is the attentive ear, the instructive tongue, and the faithful breast?


There are only four ways a Mason can terminate his membership from his Lodge.

What isDemit, Suspension, Expulsion, or Death?


A Lodge is opened and closed by its Master “in due form,” meaning according to the customs and laws of the Grand Lodge. When the Grand Master opens and closes a Grand Lodge or a particular Lodge he is said to do so in “_________ form”.

What is Ample Form. (This means he has the power and authority to accomplish his purpose regardless of the manner in which he does it)


This Tennessee back woodsman was a member of the Tennessee Legislature, a member of Congress and he died with 139 others at the massacre at the Alamo in 1836.

Who was Davy Crockett?